Bobbin Lace and Other Hobbies

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...and now for something completely different!

Great fun was had this morning playing in the sunshine, finally dealing with a pile of papers which needed to be safely disposed of.  

This pile had been growing since we stopped using the woodburner after many years. A trusty eater of confidential information, broken furniture and a few trees, the woodburner had given us good service and now is relegated to serving as safe storage for batteries.

Also starting a new life is an old hand blender, which was never quite fast enough to make things frothy but was not beyond it's useful years (a qualification which is deemed more valuable now we are racing headlong through the decades at an ever increasing rate).  It has languished at the infamous back hole that is the 'back of the drawer' where potentially useful, but not used, items live. 

Long after being replaced by a shinier, newer model, this old blender is pressed into service once in a blue moon to produce an annual mash up more akin to a children's playgroup than a pensioner's pastime.

Tearing the papers into little bits as we go along saves a long arduous task when it comes to finally processing the papers.  Soaking overnight in a water and a dash of washing up liquid helps to soften the mass and the wzzz wzzz chug of the blender soon reduces the pile of intimate details to a pale grey sludge.  

A microfibre cloth spread out on a bit of gravelled garden is ideal for processing the goodly dollops of sludge. The cloth is twisted and then the water squashed out of it with a block of wood (which escaped the final burnings of the woodburner to enjoy it's singlularly useful second, or maybe third life as a de-wetter for sludge).

The cloth peels back to reveal huge chewing gum like lumps which are left in the sunshine to dry.  Ideal for some form of model crafting if we really wanted to go down that route, but they get crumbled up when dry and disposed of.  

Tub '0' Sludge

Paper stones