My word but it was cold this morning!
I took my 'fresh off the pillow' squirrel into the garden so I could take it's photo against the dark green leaves of our Bay tree. With the help of a handy twig, I held it up to take a photo, but by this time, I was shivering, so was the little stick! My mobile phone did it's best and I raced back inside the house to see if I had managed a shot. Not willing to go back outside and set up for a shot again, I deemed this to be as good as it gets for a one shot wonder, it shows enough for you to get the idea.
This little piece of lace is a true 'Muaiga' piece, I blended a Torchon fan in the face, a bit of Honiton in the big leaves, used a few bar joins from my recent play with Idrija lace, and scattered all over with bits of Cluny and Bedfordshire.
Not being sure if the mass of plaits in the tail would hold up to being handled, I damped it down on the pillow and let it dry before unpinning it, ironed it and only then did I dare take it outside. Because of the damp climate I live in, a piece of lace will soon droop when taken outside so I do only get one or two tries at taking a photo before it droops.